Pennington's Spirits & Liqueurs

Pennington’s Spirits & Liqueurs wasn’t the result of board room meetings or spreadsheets but rather conceived “by accident” by Burgundy’s Wine Bar in Kendal owner Mike Pennington, who had owned the bar for over 30 years. On a quiet Winter’s evening in 1990, he had the idea to create his own products with as much provenance as the selection of wines and spirits from around the world behind the bar – and recalled the recipe for Kendal Mint Cake that he would make with his grandfather. He set about creating Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur but never dreamt that it would leave the confines of the bar and certainly not develop into a whole new business.
It wasn’t until 2015 when one of the regulars in the bar asked if he wanted to take a stall at the Kendal Christmas Markets that the thought about selling the liqueurs to the public first dawned. In conjunction with his partner Annie, they hand bottled a small quantity of Kendal Mint Cake Liqueur and Bakewell Liqueur in the hopes of a small success. Little did they know that they would be mixing, bottling and labelling until midnight every night, such was the success. They then received the first enquiries from local gift shops to stock a few dozen bottles and the real work began.
Once they had sold Burgundy’s in 2018 as a result of the flourishing Spirits & Liqueurs business, they employed Annie’s son & their business has been growing ever since. It's family owned of course, which allows them to retain the poetic licence that started the business and ensure that their collective philosophies of hard work are evident in each and every bottle.

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