Handmade Ice Cream Company

Following 15 successful years as a professional Pastry Chef in some of the country’s top hotels and restaurants, Steven Darvill identified a notable gap in the ice cream market. Chefs often wanted to make their own ice cream but due to a lack of equipment, time and staff this wasn’t always possible. They therefore had no option but to buy in a mass made commercial ice cream pumped full of added air, artificial flavour compounds, syrups, colourings and extracts, when what they really wanted was a really high quality, natural alternative.
And so the Handmade Ice Cream Company was born, in the heart of the Lake District, producing a completely natural ice cream using only the finest natural ingredients (and none of the funny business added!). Handmade have complete control over what goes into their ice creams and even make their own gingerbreads, sticky toffee puddings, caramels, toffees, fruit compotes & fruit purees to ensure all their flavours contain only the finest all-natural ingredients, nothing added. They even hand-select the finest Madagascan Vanilla pods and richest Belgium Chocolates bought directly from finest producers so they can create ice cream with passion, craftsmanship, pride and love.
Steven and his team are immensely proud of their ice cream. We’re sure that once you’ve tried them you’ll be back for more!

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